IPL (Photo Facial)
Intense Pulsed Light Treatment; also known as Lumecca
$350 per Treatment (Package discounts available)
IPL treats pigmented and vascular lesions through the use of an intense pulsed light procedure. Patients typically notice significant improvements in their complexion and skin clarity. Typically used to treat facial complexion, IPL also restores hands by clearing away brown age spots.
The Intense Pulsed Light pulls pigment (brown spots) to the surface of your skin. The spots will darken and appear to look like fine coffee grounds. the pigment either absorbs into the body or flakes off in the days following the treatment.
IPL can improve the appearance of the following:
Age Spots
Sun Damage
Vascular Lesions
Uneven Skin Tone
Please discuss your goals with our staff who can recommend the best treatment plan for you.