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PRP: Platelet-Rich Plasma

Hair Loss

Many people suffer from hair loss. By age 60, over half of men and half of women experience this. Causes of hair loss are numerous such as hereditary, autoimmune, illness, cancer therapy, anemia, thyroid disease, birth, menopause, stress, inadequate diet, and hair regimens. (1) While there have been hairless treatments such as finasteride, topical minoxidil, laser devices, and hair transplant there are short comings with regards to efficacy, side effects, and cost.  



PRP or Platelet-Rich Plasma is a procedure where your own blood is drawn (autologous), spun in a centrifuge, and plasma and platelets are extracted and then injected intradermally to stimulate hair growth. When injected the platelets release granules resulting in decrease inflammation, awaken follicles, prolonged hair growth phase, increase blood flow to follicles, increase terminal hair (thick/strong), and slows follicle death. Studies have shown that this treatment clinically improves the number of hairs in treatment area as well as, hair density. (3)



Our blood is composed of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, and plasma. Platelets play an important role in clotting as they are activated when they come into contact with broken blood vessel walls (endothelium). Once platelets are activated they release granules with the goal of attracting more platelets to aggregate/clump. Some of the granules that are contained within platelets include alpha granules which are known to promoted cellular growth, collagen production,  tissue repair, angiogenesis, wound healing, and induces & prolongs the anagen phase of hair cycle.



PRP is the process of extracting 22ml of your own blood, which is spun in a centrifuge to separate the platelets and plasma from other parts of your blood that cause inflammation, such as white blood cells. Once 6ml of PRP is extracted, it is the injected intradermally along the border of existing hair. This procedure is performed every month for on average 4 months, depending on results. This is followed by a treatment every 6 months for maintenance. Treatments time including blood draw, takes around 30 minutes


Side effects:

Some discomfort/tenderness at injection site which is generally alleviated with ice. There is also a chance for bruising as well. 


Who would benefit from PRP hair restoration? 

If your hair loss is recent, less than a few years it’s easier for the therapy to reactivate hair follicles. Unfortunately large bald spots have not shown to be beneficial from this therapy. 


Call Radiance Medi Spa today for a free consultation and evaluation for PRP Hair Restoration Therapy 






  3. Gentile, P. Et al. (2017) Evaluation of Not-Activated and Activated PRP in Hair Loss Treatment: Role of Growth Factor and Cytokine Concentrations Obtained by Different Collection Systems. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 18(408). doi:10.3390/ijms18020408 

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